When you arrived in this world in front of our eyes, we knew instantly you belonged with our pack. Our little “Litago”.
Together we learned so many new things, clicker training, fetch, tracking and search. We discovered countless mountains together and you were always happy to go on new adventures.
Every time our pack grew and a puppy came to us, you accepted them with care and love. Buffy, Zen and Neo were all fortunate to experience your love, and learn how to play and communicate from you.
You stayed fit and healthy despite all the challenges through the years. Weekly hiking trips and swimming at the age of 14 is wonderful.
We have so many wonderful memories and adventures to look back at. You will always have a big piece of our hearts, and we will always love you.
We wish you never had to leave us, but we will see you again some day our beloved and beautiful Balder.
Goodbye for now our happy boy.