Published: November 12, 2018
Finally time for Zen’s debut in agility! I have the last weeks worked on closing the channel weaves, doing longer combinations and also worked on jumping technique to get Zen ready for comeptition. It would be no problem for me to wait a few more months but since this was on familiar ground I wanted to see how far we have come.
On saturday he did not finish the weaves before leaving them and I could have done more to help him with lines we have never ran before. I was really pleased with our efforts and it felt so good that we have begun! On sunday the course had some of the same challenges as the one on Saturday so I planned to help Zen as much as I could with the difficult lines. Even though I would have liked to run the course with a more skilled Zen we managed to solve it pretty good. A clean run, 1st place and our 1st qualification for jump 2!
I am so proud of my little Zen who is still just a puppy to me, and probably will be as long as he is the youngest one in our pack. With a new dog, there are always new experiences. Being able to walk into the ring without the leash on and having a dog that is 100% focused on you and not everything else was pretty cool! Zen is living up to all expectations and more!
This winter we will enjoy training together and working on our contacts so we are ready to run both jumping and agility come spring. During the winter we will also have a break for some skiing and hiking. I am looking forward to new adventures with my little Mr Handsome!